Virtual hosting is the most popular type of hosting. It is the cheapest, with a built-in control panel and is suitable for most sites. The only disadvantage is that it can handle a small load. Recall our “hotel” for websites. Virtual hosting in it is a small modest room. If you want to attract more visitors to the site, it will run slowly, if not become unavailable. So, at the time of advertising campaigns, it is recommended to take a tariff more powerful.

In case of virtual dedicated server, provider will provide a separate virtual machine for your project. In other words, a whole “hotel” floor. So no “neighborhood party” will bother you. You can install the necessary software, configure and manage the server as you wish. Compared with the virtual one, such hosting is more expensive. But do not forget that the above allocated capacity is not jumping. Perhaps that is why cloud hosting has become on the market much more popular than the virtual dedicated server.

A dedicated server is a multi-storey “hotel”, and it’s all yours. Possibilities on the background of previous types of hosting is incredible. But you have to pay for the convenience, so the price is higher. In addition, the “big hotel” requires a specialist, namely the system administrator. This type of hosting is suitable for large, serious projects.

Now let’s consider colocation. In this case, the provider only installs your personal equipment in its datacenter. The advantages and disadvantages are the same as for the dedicated server. The only difference is that the server belongs to you. But remember: in addition to your own server, you will need additional equipment, which will lead to a significant investment – more than the purchase of hosting.

And finally, cloud hosting. This is a huge hotel complex, where you can choose as much space as you need at any time – from a floor to several buildings. There are no rigid rates in the cloud. You pay exactly for the capacity you use. The nice thing is you don’t have to fuss and change rates if your project grows and attracts more users. You can flexibly increase the parameters to suit your needs. The cloud is more expensive than shared hosting, but it’s worth it. It is suitable for both medium and large projects.

There are many kinds of hosting. The most popular among users – virtual hosting, dedicated server and the cloud. It is important to choose the right hosting to run the site with minimal investment.